Industry Automation Solutions - Armstrong Machine Builders Pvt ltd

Armstrong Machine Builders Pvt ltd is a confided in supplier of intralogistics and Industry Automation Solutions that take care of mind boggling issues with profound specialized information and groundbreaking equipment and programming. The coordinated computer based intelligence and Scientific calculations work on the exhibition of the frameworks as they break down the information created while the machine is in running condition. This assists the clients with accomplishing high efficiency.

With regards to mechanization innovation, autonomous mobile robotic solutions can work on functional effectiveness, upgrade speed, guarantee accuracy, and increment the wellbeing of the distribution center tasks huge amounts at a time. Independent portable robots, when contrasted with its ancestor independent directed vehicles or AGVs, can travel through its current circumstance without being supervised straight by an administrator or on a decent foreordained way.

Armstrong Machine Builders Pvt ltd autonomous mobile robotic solutions are furnished with a complex arrangement of sensors. They are fabricated involving the most recent and most progressive improvements in man-made reasoning and AI. The natural programming created by Armstrong empowers the independent portable robot to process and plan the way for substitution. These robots can likewise decipher and explore through their current circumstance with no wired power support.

Trendy Industry Automation Solutions like AMRs are furnished with cameras and sensors which assist them with handling surprising hindrances while exploring their surroundings. They use an exceptional route procedure called crash evasion to slow, stop, or reroute their way around the item and afterward go on with their undertaking.

  • 301A, Gera 77. 3rd Floor, Besides Agakhan Palace, Nagar Road, Kalyani Nagar,
    Pune - 411014, Maharashtra, India.


  • +919673002942


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